While all seven characters use the same grid system to move about the field and launch attacks at foes in turn-based combat, Live A Live manages to theme each protagonist’s moves in ways that effectively reflect their personality. The unique flavors of each protagonist, era, and theme play out in battle, too. Both Japanese and English tracks are available, and while the English acting had some occasional awkwardness in chapters like Edo Japan, having voice acting at all was a net positive for an RPG so profoundly centered on building up an ensemble cast of interesting characters. The 2022 Live A Live remake’s characterization is further improved by the introduction of voice acting, which is present in all important story scenes. Though quite different from one another, Live A Live’s ensemble cast all manage to endear themselves in their respective stories I still can’t pick a favorite.

Near Future’s Akira can read minds and teleport out of battle, though his teleport ability is intentionally a bit unreliable. The Sundown Kid, a Wild West gunslinger, doesn’t fight nearly as much as the others – instead, he works with the local townsfolk to lay traps for the bad posse on its way to wreak havoc.

The Edo period shinobi Oboromaru can cloak himself in shadow to hide from enemies and complete his entire chapter without killing a single human, or he can brutally murder his way through the manor he’s infiltrating. Here and only here, the protagonist caveman Pogo can use his powerful sense of smell to track down the whereabouts of NPCs or enemies he’s looking for. In prehistory, for instance, language has yet to be invented, so all the storytelling brilliantly takes place with animation and imagery. Not only do the different chapters take place in different eras, but each one distinguishes itself with unique characters and mechanics to suit them. You can even pick one up, put it down, start another, and return to the first later if it suits you Live A Live will conveniently keep track of your progress in each story even if you save over a file, a feature I made a lot of use of as the discovery of numerous, fun hidden secrets prompted me to revisit chapters I’d thought I’d combed thoroughly.

On the surface, all of Live A Live’s seven vignettes are disconnected, and it largely doesn’t matter which one you start or end with.